The Journey with Ryan Duey

From Melodies to a Movement - Episode 17 - Evan Harrison

Ryan Duey

Evan Harrison is a visionary who is now bridging the worlds of music and environmental activism to create forward motion in the non-profit space with Kiss the Ground. Drawing upon his deep musical industry roots, Evan harmoniously fuses his artistry with his newfound passion for environmental advocacy.

In this podcast, Evan discusses how he worked his way up through the ranks in the music industry and how his family life created a transitional pathway into his current non-profit mindset. Through his leadership at Kiss the Ground, Evan has orchestrated a unique opportunity to construct transformative change, harmonizing his music background with a passionate commitment to healing the Earth one step at a time.

Sit back, listen, and enjoy this powerful conversation about music, life, and the conscience choice to start on a new path.

Intro music by:
Artist: Nahko Bear 
Song: Beautiful Trouble