The Journey with Ryan Duey
Ryan Duey is the owner of Capitol Floats and Co-founder of Plunge. "The Journey with Ryan Duey" presents fascinating conversations with some of the world's most incredible humans. Ryan seeks to go beyond the standard interview and dig deep below the surface. "The Journey" Podcast is here to unlock and decode some of the most pivotal moments that have transformed his guests' lives and careers.
The Journey with Ryan Duey
Episode 3 - Hailey Kleinhans
In this episode, Ryan speaks with his good friend and business partner, Hailey Kleinhans. Hailey is the owner of Capitol Floats Auburn and began working at Capitol Floats in Sacramento shortly after Ryan opened in 2016. After a few years working at the center in Sac, she saw the positive benefits floating was having on the community and committed herself to bring floating to her hometown of Auburn. Having opened in June 2020, Hailey is passionate about sharing the vision of what Capitol Floats stands for with Placer County.
Intro music by:
Artist: Nahko Bear
Song: Beautiful Trouble